16:30:00Oto dwa szkice z serii, którą rozpoczęłam, a mianowicie przedstawienie zwierząt w formie szkicu by Gacha.
Najlepiej wymyślić temat, tj. np. zwierzęta i tworzyć projekty, szkice, ilustracje, aby powstał cykl autorskich prac. Ale równie dobrze mogą to być przedmioty codziennego użytku, to co masz na biurku, w kuchni czy łazience, albo to co widzisz z okna. Uważam, że każdego dnia trzeba szkolić rysunek, daje to nam niezmierne opanowanie narzędzi, a wyobraźnia działa. Daj się ponieść...
Here are two sketches from the series, which began, namely the representation of animals in the form of a sketch by Gacha.
At first think about subject, such animals and create designs, sketches, illustrations, and to a cycle of copyright works. But it may well be objects of everyday use, what you have on your desk, in the kitchen or bathroom, or what you see from the window. I think that every day you should drawing, it gives us practise and your imagination working.
Here are two sketches from the series, which began, namely the representation of animals in the form of a sketch by Gacha.
At first think about subject, such animals and create designs, sketches, illustrations, and to a cycle of copyright works. But it may well be objects of everyday use, what you have on your desk, in the kitchen or bathroom, or what you see from the window. I think that every day you should drawing, it gives us practise and your imagination working.
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